Enair Tech is a brand registered in Europe, all products manufactured in our China factory, we have been with more then 20 years manufacturing air compressors. Our factory is located in Dezhou city Shandong Province, and it is established in 2005. We are the first registered private factory to build compressors in North of China, Even in whole China, there are very few factories which are registered before us.

Servizi Soluzioni

Fornitore di soluzioni per compressori ad alta tecnologia

Ricambi per la formazione e l'assistenza post-vendita

Attrezzatura dell'OEM

Installazione e avvio efficienti

Attrezzatura dell'OEM

Installazione e avvio efficienti

Fotovoltaico 6kWp Fisciano

Fotovoltaico Baronissi (Sa)

Fotovoltaico 6kWp Solofra (AV)

Fotovoltaico 6kWp Fisciano

Glass Industry Compressors Technology Solutions Provider

Glass manufacturers invest heavily in their furnaces, which need to remain operational continues 24 hours in full week . Forming machines are required to operate at the same pace to accommodate the furnaces. Due to the constant factory demand, any equipment failure including air compressors results in extremely high costs to the organization.

It is for these reasons, reliable and efficient compressed air is critical to the operation of any glass manufacturing facility. Our company work with Italy famous furnace supplier, and our centrifugal compressors designed for continuous operation, we provide compressors system which not only compressors, but also air dryers, cooling towers and vacuum pumps.